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Roof Specialist

All information about Roofing

How to Select the Best Roof Shingle Material for Your Home

Selecting the proper roofing system is a very important decision that can affect the overall structure of your house. It will also affect in the curb appeal and the degree of maintenance that your home will require and an impact to your budget. The most common material for your home includes Asphalt shingle, Luxury Asphalt shingle, wood shingle, wood shakes, clay tile roof, and the concrete tile roof.


Asphalt Shingle roof is very popular, durable and affordable that comes in a variety of texture and colors. In the case of organic base shingle they are made up of roofing paper saturated with the asphalt shingle by making them waterproof. Initially, it doesn’t require any maintenance but after a few years, you need to maintain it to get rid of the curl, crack, and granule erosion.


Luxury Asphalt shingle roof - it is a very thick shingle that stimulates the texture of expensive roofing products. These are manufactured by several layers of fiberglass that are coated and the aggregate granules will be added for the weathering protection. It doesn’t require a high level of maintenance due to the thickness and durability of the shingles.


Wood Shingle roof – it is popular for providing a natural look for your home. They are made up of the due to the red cedars availability. It is very strong for the resistance to rot. To find the correct shingle you have to select the correct amount of exposed surface that they would present to the weather. Special installation and the treatment is required for minimizing the watering problem. Wood shake roof – They are made up by the hand or the machine split and provide rustic, rough – hewn texture and irregularity of the wood stake. They are most durable then the wood shingle.

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